UNDP Administrator & Special Envoy of the UNSG meets with Eritrea’s President Isaias Afwerki to discuss renewable energy pathways & sustainable land management practices

UNDP Administrator & Special Envoy of the UNSG meets with Eritrea’s President Isaias Afwerki to discuss renewable energy pathways & sustainable land management practices

The UNDP Administrator and Special Envoy of the UNSG, Mr. Achim Steiner, met with President Isaias Afwerki to discuss the UN's crucial role in promoting peace, stability, and development in Africa. They focused on the support for Regional Economic Communities (RECs) initiatives such as IGAD.

President Isaias highlighted Eritrea's priorities in partnering with UN agencies to improve the quality of life for Eritrea's citizens by providing access to clean drinking water and developing sectors like energy, health, and education.

Mr. Achim Steiner delivered a letter from UNSG Antonio Guterres to President Isaias expressing the UN's desire to strengthen its ties with Eritrea.

They discussed the importance of continued cooperation and partnership between Eritrea and the UN in promoting peace, stability, and development in the region.